Tuesday, May 20, 2008

week 3 day 2

Today F was second block so Linds and i headed over to the computer lab after. We mad a lot of progress on audio and add a lot of different songs. We searched our iTunes and found the best songs. We thought we were clever by putting techno music with the techie part of our film. We updated the to do list, it consists of interviewing Eliot about lights, getting a microphone and adding audio, filming people preparing for the show, and filming the teachers we sent questions out to.  The teachers all responded and we decided three answers we really likes. Our three are Bill, Anne, and Nancy. Tonight I emailing them back asking what times would be good for them for us to come film. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and Lindsay have put a lot of time into this venture. I can't wait to see the final project.