Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last night i was really tired after a run through and got home to find my internet did not work so i could not right my blog. I went to campus this morning to write this blog and I am no freaking out because I hope this will not prevent me from passing senior project. Yesterday was extremely long. I woke up early to send in college forms about classes and dorms. I then met Lindsay on campus to work on our project. I was late so she ended up working for a half hour by herself, but when I got there we added more songs, sped up some parts, and again corrected our to do list. I spent a hour and a half with her in the lab then took the camera and went filming around campus. I filmed random people saying Cabaret, I filmed Nancy's interview, and I filmed techies talking about lights and sound for the show. I then headed back to lab to load my film and cut it into smaller clips. We had a full run of the show last night and chuck was there. I did not get home till 11 so you can imagine my frustration when i found out the internet was out. I went to school early, even though I did not have to be on campus till 3:15, to write this blog so that is upsetting. 

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