Monday, May 5, 2008

Number One Post

I am doing my senior project with Lindsay Webster. Together we are making a documentary about the process of making a musical. We film audition to opening nights, every aspect that the audience sees and does not see. Our goal is to open the eyes of the public to the hard work that goes into putting on a production. We have both decided we do not want our movie to be all work, however, another goal is to show how much fun the process of musical making is.
Today Lindsay and I offically started our senior project, even though we have been taping and planning our movie for several weeks now. Our goal for our senior project is to create a movie that will show how a musical is made from audition to opening night. On Sunday night, Lindsay and I created a rough layout of our movie and made a list of what else we needed to tape . Today we got to school early, to have a meeting with Michele Koenig and learn how to blog. Afterwards we went down to the tech department to load our film onto a computer. We soon realized this process would take longer than planned. To load a hour of film onto the iMovie, a mac program for making movies, we needed to sit there for an hour and watch it be played off the camera and onto the computer. After spending two and half hours in the tech lab loading film from the camera to the computer, we headed over to the theater. In the theater we unloaded costumes from Terry's car and organize the dressing room. We then had to go to Choir and rehearsal . We had play rehearsal from 3:15 to 5 and then 6 15 to 7 15 before heading home. Throughout the day we had several conversations with Joan Saunders in which we planned hours in which we could work with her during the week. Because we are on a shorter senior project we only need fifteen hours with Joan, but because she has a day job as a teacher at the New London school system and we have nigh rehearsals finding time together is difficult. Some solutions we talked about was Lindsay and I coming into her school and teaching the children acting games, and working at the school so many hours a week. Tomorrow we have planned a meeting with Terry Stoecker and Joan Saunders to make schedules for Lindsay and me to complete daily.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nice to hear that you actually exist..missing you.