Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blog Number 2

Today was busy. Linds and I woke up early to go to New London Elementary school to meet Joan and pick up her pick up truck. From there we headed over to Proctor for our chamber choir class and afterwards we drove up to the theater and loaded in a trellis that we took back to Joan Saunder's house. We had to back roads to warner because the trellis hung out of the truck and we did not want to get pulled over by the cops. On the way we took bumpy dirt roads and some of the trellis broke off. When we arrived at her house we attempted to put the trellis back together but it didn't work. We headed back to proctor and went to play practice. For the first half hour of play practice I video taped the dance class learning a new section of a dance. Then after rehearsal we had a meeting with Joan and Terry to plan out the rest of the weeks activities. We got a planner and made schedules for each day.  At night we loaded more video off the camera and onto the computer. In all it was a productive day. 

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