Wednesday, May 7, 2008

#3 Blog

Today Lindsay and I couldn't start working till after my Papa's funeral. Around 1 we arrived at play practice and began video taping. After taping and working for three hours at rehearsal we headed over to Brenda's office to finish up loading film off the camera and onto the computer. In all it took longer than we thought. It took four hours to load all the tapes except the tape we filmed today. We also worked for an hour tonight on designing the poster for Cabaret. We googled Cabaret posters for ideas and than created our own poster by mixing and matching what we found. After loading all our film on the computer we rewound all the tapes and organized them. We numbered them in sequence and took notes on what was recorded on each tape. Lindsey and I have also been taking a lot of pictures  for this women named Kim Hurlbutt which she uses for the Proctor Arts page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gastrid apparently helplines drown auckland peenam endorse clark tactile ingenuity flying
lolikneri havaqatsu