Sunday, May 18, 2008


This week we focused on editing and learned a lot about the editing process of movie making. Jim Cox nicely taught us the basics of iMovie and how to work it. We got really good at cutting and basic editing of film. We also learned on our own other editing techniques like how to fast forward film or duplicate it. I did not expecially like what we did this week. We spent hours in the lab just editing, but i did enjoy seeing the kids again. They were excited to see us and it was fun to see their forth grade play. Though editing was long and tedious it was extrmemly productive because our film is basically done and we just need to fix audio.
I think we were asked to follow up with the kids this week to help them with acting skills and to help warm them up for their big performance. I think by playing acting games with them before they went on helped to take away the nerves and let the relax and have fun. Everything happened as expected. We finished our film and are completely on schedule. We had a showing of our film and got very good feed back which was a pleasant surprise.  
We benefitted a lot from this week. Not only do we have the films order finalized, but it is mostly complete. We made a small list of what else needs to be done, this will allow us to be more efficient in the following week. I think we set our selves up to be able to finish our project without a last minute crunch. 

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