Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 2- day 2

Lindsay and I woke up late today, we were supposed to leave by 8 30 but instead woke up at 8 30. We arrived at f block chorus practice late today, but so did Sarah so it was ok. After class we headed over to the tech lab were we worked on organizing and splitting clips. We stayed in the tech lab all day, leaving briefly for meals, and worked on our movie. By the end of the day we had finished splitting all the clips into smaller scenes and organizing those scenes into different categories. The categories were acting, dancing, singing, auditions, and random. Our plan for the rest of the week is to map out our movie and put things into place and on friday hopefully have a viewing of our rough movie. Michael, Terry, and Joan will be present at the viewing and share their feedback with us, we will then use our final week to improve and edit the movie. After being in the lab all day we went to night rehearsal and got out early so we went home.

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