Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today F block was first so Lindsay and I had an early start. After chorus we headed over to New London for a free ice coffee from  Dunkies... if u did not know it was free Ice Coffee day u missed out because it was AMAZING! We got back to school for B block and sang threw Cabaret songs with Kris. We headed over to Brenda's after B and stayed there until our rehearsal at 3:15. After rehearsal we headed back to the lab, threw lunch, then rehearsal at 5:45 - 7, and back to the lab. Today was an extremely productive day. We finished cutting and putting all our clips in order for the movie. We finished every section. Today we did dance, techies, music, bloopers, and dedications. We fit them all together so they run smoothly. We then went back and added the fast forwarding affect to a couple clips, we also discovered how to turn the audio back on which was amazing! Today we also filmed more interviews for our project and loaded film that we taped from yesterday's run through. We then went back and watch the entire film, which is about 43 min long, and took notes on parts that we needed to cut, add, or narration/music was needed. We are ahead of schedule and fully prepared for a preview tomorrow for our sponsor and mentors. We also talked to Joan today about us going to her school for the Glacier Play. I am glad we have so much of the movie done because we are heading into production week so we are going to be really busy.

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