Sunday, May 25, 2008

Final Weekly Reflection

This week was a hectic one. Linds and I not only had to finish the film but we were also in Production week of Cabaret.  Lindsay and I were not able to work on our film during study hall anymore, therefore, most of our time during the day was spent in the lab.  Production week involves the entire cast being in the theater from five to almost eleven every night. I was exhausted. 
This week we learned more about iMovie. We mastered audio and learned how to perfectly cut a song so it matches the film clip. We learned how to make sound die out, get louder, and fade. We learned everything this week on our own by basically fooling around with the program. By learning on our own, it took longer for us to get things done. A problem that arose this week was putting a beginning to our film. We had no clue how to do it. By the end of the week, we had the rest of the film finished and all we needed was an ending. Finally, we decided what we wanted but did not know how to do it. We needed to put a title in the start of our film, however, we did not know how to do it. Finally, after a day of trying to figure it out, Nick Clemens showed us how. After that we spent the rest of our time fixing little cues and doing final details.
I think we were not asked to do a lot for Terry or Joan this week because we already had so much on our plate. We had already finished our hours and we had to juggle finishing the movie and production week.  Everything went as planned this week, the show came together and our film was finished. 
I benefitted a lot from this week. The show went amazingly and our film was finished. I am happy with the final product and I think it will convey what we wanted it to. Though some pieces we had wanted at first in the film were left out, I think it was for the better. The film flows well, is informative, and fun. 

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